Saturday, 4 April 2015

Classic Space Marine Scout Sergeant

I saw some metal Space Marine Scouts on a friend's workbench the other day and it triggered something...once I got home I went to "the pile", dug some Scouts out and gave them an undercoat.

I remembered seeing some of Bryan Ansell's collection on the Eldritch Epistles blog and headed over there to browse the galleries (as you do) and decided I would try and emulate the Advanced Space Crusade Plastic Sergeant in the Blood Angels colour scheme.

Here's my attempt:
and the original:

Not an exact replication, but I'm more than happy with him.
I'm not sure wether I'll use plastic or metal (or a mix of both) minis for his squad...


  1. excellent work - inspired by the original but not a copy of

  2. Nice work, Bruno. Think I prefer yours, personally.

  3. I like it! Nicely done! :)

  4. I like it, its red rather than orange, which I prefer. Its a funny old goofy sculpt, definitely a classic in its own strange way.

    If you have the appropriate metal scouts then I would mix them in if I were you. Those plastic scouts are a bit cookie cutter and the metal scouts help to break them up a bit.

    1. Ta mate, it's definitely a bit of a goofy sculpt- the Space Wolves got (3!) metal Sgts and it's a shame the regulars didn't.

      I have enough scouts for 2 BA squads and 2 for my yet to be painted Wolves- I'm planning on mixing the metals through each.

  5. Great work, Bruno. I prefer the metal versions but I agree with Cheetor that a mixed squad of both looks pretty good. This also reminds me I have 5 or so of these plastics in need of love and attention...


    1. I'm definitely going to go the mixed route, cheers man.
      I've finished a regular plastic squaddy and they're surprisingly nice minis- better than this guy.
